Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Administrative Professionals Day

Today is a very special day for many very important people.  It is Administrative Professionals Day.  I am so blessed to have an assistant that works with me who is a true professional.  Mrs. Donna, you are amazing.  I appreciate you, your dedication and your work for our Lord.  There are no words to describe how grateful our entire staff is to have you on our ministry team.  Everyday while we are in the office, someone makes a comment about your friendliness, professionalism, and godliness.  Thank you so much.

I met Mrs. Donna many years ago when I became pastor at Brush Creek.  Her dear brother was a deacon in that church and served as my deacon chairperson on two different occasions.  When God called us to Southside, I was amazed to reconnect with Donna.  Now, what a blessing to have her work with us at Southside.

To God Be The Glory!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Morning at Fullertown!

This is a picture of the little Fuller's on Easter Morning as we were headed to church. 

Luke and Paul are excited about the day ahead of them.

Sarah Belle and Anna Brooke are so excited about Easter.  They love Jesus and are excited to celebrate Him on Easter Sunday morning.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Some of our Students on Easter Morning

Here is a great picture that simply brings tears to my eyes.  It is a picture of some of our students who took this picture in front of the cross to celebrate what Jesus has done for them this morning before morning worship.  As I look at each of their faces, I can recall the time in many of their lives that they received Jesus as Lord and Savior.  I have been blessed to be with them when most of these amazing young people made this most important decision.  Now, to watch them grow, mature and even see some of them dealing with a call to ministry in the future is humbling and amazing to me. I love all of you and I am so proud of you.  You are the most amazing students in the world and Laura and I can not wait to spend a week with you this summer at camp.  This picture makes your pastor so proud of you.

Southside's Easter Musical

This morning, our celebration choir presented an amazing and beautiful Easter musical that really touched my heart.  It was Gospel centered, Christ edifying, and powerfully convicting.  As I listened to the words of our choir, it was as if our mighty God was speaking directly to me.  After our wonderful worship service this morning, several others also commented to me that God touched them and spoke to them in a similar way.

If you were out of town or unable to be with us this morning, I hope that you will purchase the DVD of todays worship service so that this musical will also be a blessing to you.  What a blessing to know because we believe that Jesus has done and given so much for us.

Thank You JESUS!

I hope everyone has had a great Easter.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Family Devotion at Fullertown tonight

Tonight, as we had our evening devotional, I asked the kids to share with our family what Easter means to each of them.  I WAS TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY by their comments and responses.  After it was over and we prayed together, we tucked each one in and had their individual prayer times.  Then I came down the stairs, went and sat in the rocker on the front porch and the tears began to flow.

I was humbled and challenged by my own kids tonight.  God used them and their responses to touch my heart and challenge me to become more in love with Jesus.  It amazes me at how God uses children to work in our lives. 

As you gather with family and friends tomorrow, take time to listen to the children around you.  Maybe God will give you a word from His little messengers like He did for me tonight.

Southside's Easter Egg outreach

Last Saturday, we were scheduled to have our annual Easter Egg outreach.  However, because of the terrible storms, we had to postpone it until today.  I have been praying for weeks about this event as it is always a great and wonderful way for us to connect with new families in our community and reach them for Jesus.  I have also been praying for this event because it is our annual avenue to get a prospect list for VBS.

Well, today we were blessed with over 300 people who came to celebrate with us.  Pastor Matthew did a great job leading this event.  All of the volunteers also did a great job.  Thanks to all of you who gave of your time to invest in families and children today.  Also, thanks to our church family who collected over 8000 eggs and so many who brought candy to fill the eggs.  Also, thanks to our Young Adult Gospel Partners Sunday School class for taking a Saturday night this past month to stuff several thousand eggs.  Finally, thanks to our amazing senior adult ministry for stuffing several thousand more eggs at home and around the table in fellowship a couple of weeks ago. WOW - TO GOD BE THE GLORY.

Although I only captured a few pictures from my cell phone of my kids and a few others, I thought I would share them.  I know that our photographer will load many more of facebook in the days to come.

Here is Colt Matthews and Anna Brooke, best freinds in Sunday School, as they are waiting for the count down from 10 on the microphone.  The are ready to hunt eggs in the 6 year old and up group.

Here is mommy as she looks at Tyler picking up his eggs.

Sarah Belle is loading up her basket.  WOW

Luke and Paul are going at it.  Look at the eggs. They are everywhere in the 3 acre field next to the church.

It amazes me each year at how God can use a simple egg and candy to bring and draw families to the Lord's property at Southside.  It also amazes me at how many of them come to VBS and give their hearts to JESUS because of these efforts.  God is so powerful and He will use anything to draw people to Him.

Thank you Southside for being a church that loves your community.  I am so proud of you and proud to be your pastor as I watch you serve our Lord by embracing our church vision to love the society which includes our community.

Only God knows the sowing that you have done today and the reaping that will come this summer!

Spring Break 2011 - A few days of vacation for Fullertown

Since Easter is so late this year, that means that spring break was also late.  Since we had to make up several snow days, last Friday, Monday and  Tuesday were make up days for our crew.  So Tuesday afternoon, we left and took a few days of vacation at North Myrtle Beach, SC.  The little Fuller's had a blast and we did too.  Here are a few pictures of our spring expedition.

When we arrived late Tuesday evening, the little Fuller's were ready to go straight to the beach.  Here they are playing in the sand, one of their most favorite activities at the beach.

Luke is digging away.  He could spend hours doing this. 

Sarah Belle did gymnastics on the beach all day long on Wednesday and Thursday.  She is amazing at all she can do.

Anna Brooke and Sarah Belle decided to have a cheerleading time on the beach.  They were so funny as they made up cheers to go along with our vacation time.

Paul and Luke are building a volcano.  They had a blast pouring water in the top and then adding to it over and over again.  They are so creative.

Our little man in the sand.  He loves it and could stay right here all day. 

Anna Brooke is about to go ride some waves on Wednesday.  She is so excited.

Here is Luke riding in on a wave.  FUN!

Anna Brooke is carrying her little sister on her back in the lazy river.

Our girls are relaxing and catching a breeze.

Luke loves being buried.  Paul did a great job!

Anna Brooke is getting ready to go back out in the water.

Well, as you can see, our little Fuller's had a great 3 days on the beach.  We are so thankful that God gave us this time away to enjoy together in the midst of our crazy and very busy schedule.  We laughed, played, swam, sang, and laughed some more.  We will be blessed by these memories for a long time to come.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Paul is showing us his muscles

Paul has been working on his little muscles for months.  He loves to take the free weights in our bedroom and act like he is working out.  He is posing here to show us just how strong he is.  He is our little MIGHTY man.

Luke is up to bat

Luke is up to bat in this picture.  He is doing such a great job this year and is proud to be able to hit the ball so far.  He loves baseball and is so dedicated to do his best.  We are so proud of him.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Anna Brooke and her baby doll Anna

Anna Brooke shows us her new dress that her Granny surprised her with.  She is so excited that her baby doll "Anna" has a matching dress too.  She is so happy and proud!

Sarah Belle and her baby doll Chloe

Sarah Belle gave us a fashion show on Saturday as she showed us the matching dresses that her Granny made for her and her baby doll.  She is so proud and you can see just how excited she is that her baby doll "Chloe" has the same dress that she does.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Lord's Supper

As we approach a very important season of celebration in honor of our Lord Jesus, we will focus our attention tomorrow evening by participating in a service of reflection.  As we partake of The Lord's Supper, we will have an opportunity to think and reflect upon what Jesus has done for each of us. 

Today, since we were rained out of our ballgames here at Fullertown and since our Easter Egg Hunt was postponed until next Saturday, I had some extra time on my hands. While the girls were out shopping, the boys and I decided to hang out for a while on the porch.  As I sat in the rocker with my Bible, God directed me to read about the passion of Jesus (the events preceding His death.)  As I read the chapters of passion, I was hit in my heart by all that Jesus has done for me.  This time of reading and reflection brought joy to my heart as I anticipate partaking in the memorial supper for Jesus tomorrow evening. 

Please come and join us tomorrow evening as we honor our Lord in this way.  I look forward to sharing this spiritual and special time with you and your family.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Jury Selection

Today, I had the opportunity to do something that I have never done before.  I went for Jury selection at the court house. 

I dropped Luke and Anna Brooke off at school and then went by the office to get some sermon prep stuff I have been working on for the summer and fall.  Then I made my way into downtown and finally found a parking place on the 6th floor of a parking garage.  I walked several blocks and finally made my way into the jury selection room around 8 am. 

After checking in, I sat... and sat.... and sat.  I read.... and read.... and read.  I wrote... and wrote... and wrote... 

After 7 hours, I was released to go and then I made my way to the office to prepare for a meeting that I had. 

However, my brain was fried from the heat in the room, close proximity of people, and all the talking that was going on around me.

One thing I learned was that people are important to God, no matter how different they may be.  As I watched and listened to the people sitting around me, I was amazed by the different backgrounds, careers, and issues that each one had.

I am a better man for this experience and I am thankful for the opportunity that I was given.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Baby Dedication

This past Sunday, we were blessed to dedicate two precious little baby boys to the Lord.  Aston and Vance were both born recently and are such a blessing to our church.  It was so neat to witness their wonderfu parents make a vow to the Lord to raise them under the instuction of the Lord.  It was also a blessing for our church to make a commitment to do our part to teach them the ways of God.  It is my prayer that God will save these two gifts from God at a young age and that they both will live their lives for Jesus.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Plane Crash

Well, by now everyone knows that there was a tragic plane crash near our home on Wednesday afternoon.  I was in the office at church while Laura and the kids were trying to get to church when it all happened.  As Laura left our neighborhood to head to church, several EMT's and fire trucks went past her on Sandy Ridge.  Then as she approached the street of the scene, the road was blocked and she had to go another route to get to church. 

The whole time, I was getting worried because she was not there.  I knew the weather was bad, but had just talked with her before she left home.  I kept going to the preschool wing of the church, and peaking into the choir room to see if Laura was there. I could not get in touch with her so I went into the service and prayed to myself as the music was being led.  Finally, after the service, I walked by the choir room and could see her singing away so that sent relief that she and the kids were ok.

That was until after church when I found out that a family that our kids go to school with were sitting at their table doing homework when an airplane came crashing into their family room.  My heart began to break for them and for the 2 passengers that lost their lives. 

Then, we found out that one of the children actually saw things that no child should ever have to see as the plane caught on fire and as his dad was trying to get him out of the house.  This child now has to live and deal with the emotions of what he saw.  Please pray for him and our school staff as they work with him.

We are blessed to be a part of the most wonderful school.  I was thankful to find out today that they are working hard to minister and care for this precious family. 

Many have asked if our school is planning something for this family.  They are currently working with Red Cross.  However, we as a community and school are planning to do something in the next week for them.  Once we get the details ironed out, I will post them so that anyone that would like to help can do so.

One thing that really touched my heart was to hear how those involved have described the response and love they have recieved from Christians in our community.

I know that God is going to be glorified in the end although no one understands at the time why something like this would happen here in our community.

Please continue to pray for many in our school family as we seek to serve as JESUS would in this situation.