Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Proud to be a Southern Baptist

I am not big on titles because sometimes titles bring about an ego or stigma that hinders people from transparency and fulfillment in relationships.  However, the title we are given when we embrace salvation in Jesus Christ (Christian) is a title that we should be proud to embrace.  After becoming a Christian, one must decide how to link themselves with others that can help them grow in discipleship and fellowship.  Although there are many wonderful groups and denominations that one could choose from, I am thankful that I am a Southern Baptist. 

My thanksgiving for being a Southern Baptist went a step deeper this week when one of our deacons shared with me that our International Mission Board, a Southern Baptist Agency, contacted Claudia Ingram within a day of her missionary husband's death to assure and confirm to her that she would be given his position in Uraguay when she was ready to go back to the field. When I was told this wonderful news on Sunday, my heart was filled with joy and I thought to myself, "That really makes me proud to be a part of a denomination that takes care of their missionaries like that."

On Monday, I had the opportunity to go to the mission house where Claudia is staying and she told me the story of how her husband's supervisor had called to let her know of this wonderful news.  Then she told me that the President of the International Mission Board also called her to offer his sympathy.  As I looked into her eyes, I could see joy behind all the grief and pain she currently feels as she mourns the loss of her 53 year old beloved husband.

We should be thankful and grateful to know that our missionaries, who give such deep sacrifices are being cared for like our mission board is caring for Claudia and her family.

Thank you JESUS.

Friday, March 25, 2011

In Loving Memory of IMB Missionary Chris Ingram

Last night, one of the most amazing and humble men in this world went to be with Jesus.  Chris Ingram, a native of our area, who faithfully served our Lord as a Southern Baptist missionary, won his battle with cancer and now is in the arms of JESUS.  Chris shared God's word in our pulpit at Southside last summer.  He just sat in my office a couple of months ago dreaming with me and sharing with me about how our church could help him with his vision in Uraguay.  Chris and Claudia spent the last 24 years in Uraguay and God used them in a mighty way.

Our love and prayers are with Claudia and her children during this time of hardship. 

We love you precious Ingram family.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Doughnuts With Dad

Today was a very special day for me.  I was invited to WEE LOVE Academy, the morning preschool that meets 3 days each week at our church.  The children of WEE LOVE Academy hosted their dads this morning for a 30 minute block of time called "doughnuts with dad."  Here is a picture of Sarah Belle and Paul as they hosted me this morning.  As I arrived to their classes, they led me to the fellowship hall.  We found our name cards and the assigned table that we were to sit at.  Then as I sat down, I noticed handmade placemats that they each made for me and other gifts also.  Paul made me a sign with his footprints and a nice poem to go along with it.  Sarah Belle made me a yellow paper with a note that said, "my love for you daddy goes on and on and on."  Let me just say, my heart was very full as I ate and spent these precious moments with them.  We made a memory today that will last a lifetime.

After we ate, mommy read 3 books about dad and how special he is to us.

Here is a picture of our table as we walked it.  It was so special and beautifully decorated.

As I went back to my office, I sat there for a minute and simply stopped to thank God for the pleasure it is to be a dad.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Men's Mentoring Group

I am so excited about my upcoming mentoring group that will begin next week.  We will have a group of men that will be meeting early one morning each week for prayer, praise, Bible study and fellowship.  We will be growing together as we seek to grow to be all that God intends for us to be.  If you are interested, let me know and I will get you the packet of material for you to look over before you make a covenant to join us on this journey.  We will have men from all ages, career paths, and backgrouds together so that iron can sharpen iron. 

This will be life changing so don't miss it brothers.

Monday, March 21, 2011

An Inspiring Monday

This morning, we began our day early at Fullertown like we do each day to get the oldest 2 little Fuller's to school by 7:30 am.  After getting them up and taking them to school, we had a little time with the younger 2 before it was time to go the office.  After getting a little work done, Laura and I headed to Ridgecrest for a much needed pastoral leadership retreat.  We have been looking forward to this for such a long time and it was amazing. 

Dr. Jim Henry, retired pastor from FBC Orlando, Dr. Don Bouldin, retired consultant from the Baptist State Convention of NC, and Dr. Gary Chapman, Associate Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church and author of the 5 Love Languages led us this afternoon and tonight.

Laura and I were amazed, along with several of our other pastor friends by the messages we heard.  God was right on time and He delivered to our souls His word in a way that really challenged us, excited us and filled us with passion.  We came to our room, did our homework, called the kids to tell them goodnight and now we are getting ready for the morning session tomorrow.

I can not wait until tomorrow to experience what God will do as we study His word that is powerful and alive.

I also can not wait to get back to Greensboro tomorrow afternoon to begin sharing what God has put upon our hearts. 

This has been a very inspiring Monday and I am a grateful pastor tonight.

Paul's first baseball practice

Saturday our Paul had his first baseball practice.  Here is a picture of him in his big brothers old uniform when he was Paul's age.  Paul was so excited and did a great job at his first practice.  He is so excited and we are too.  We are looking forward to a great season with the Hot Rods.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Contagious Spirit of Joy

God has been so good to our church.  It is so rewarding and wonderful to see and watch our amazing God as He continues to bless us with new people.  Recently, we had a couple come to visit that were former missionaries to China.  After 3 of our deacons and I went to their home to visit with them, God filled my heart with joy concerning this couple.  They continued to visit and last Sunday, they joined our wonderful and Spirit filled church at Southside.  On Tuesday at our monthly Senior adult luncheon, they came and brought a guest with them and she is planning to be with us on Sunday.

Isn't is wonderful to see how God works when we have a contagious spirit of joy?  My prayer is that during the upcoming spring season, that all of us will use our personal witness to draw others our way who are seeking to worship with "the people of love."

Southside Young Ladies Retreat

Last weekend, several of our ladies from the young adult ministry went on a retreat to Myrtle Beach along with about 100 other ladies from other churches in our area. They stayed at the beautiful Avista Resort, a place our family loves to go to for a visit during the winter because of the indoor heated water facilites. 

Here is a picture of our ladies from Southside.  As you can see, my bride is in the yellow.  I am so glad they had a great time as they spent the weekend learning about "The Names Of God."  Laura and several others have shared with me some of the amazing things that God did in their lives last weekend. 

Retreats like this are so important for our Christian walk.  I am so thankful that we have a church that promotes and provides opportunities for different groups to go on trips to grow closer to our Lord each year.  If you have never been, I hope you will go next year.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Quarterly Awards Day

Luke and Anna Brooke were both honored at the quarterly awards ceremony at their awesome school.  Luke received 3 awards and Anna Brooke received 2 awards.  We are very proud of them for their accomplishments.  We are so blessed with such amazing kids.

Luke as he is about to make a basket - UPWARD BBALL 2011

Here is a picture of Luke as he is about to shoot the basketball that will enable his team "The Cavaliers" to win the game.  We are really proud of Luke.  He has had a great season of UPWARD Basketball and we are thankful for his dedication, persistence, and continuous leadership on his team.