Monday, December 20, 2010

What A Mighty Day

Our wonderful church has a heart for those who are having a difficult time or who may be without because of their life circumstances.  For the past 3 weeks, we have been collecting money to provide Christmas to families and children in our church family and community who otherwise would go without this Christmas.  Well, that collection ended yesterday and today was the day that was set aside to bless the precious families.

We had appointments all afternoon every 30 minutes for each family to come to the church office and sit down with me personally along with a few others to discuss their situation and to have prayer.  Afterwards, they were presented their gifts and blessings from individuals, many of whom were their close friends who graciously gave to support this important ministry. 

As a pastor, my heart was filled with deep and great amounts of emotion today.  As each family came and shared, my office was filled with many tears and great amounts of personal testimony.  It was so wonderful to be a small part of this effort as we had prayer and were able to represent our amazing church who desires to bless those who have physical and spiritual needs.

As I drove home tonight, I continued to pray and thank God for each family and child.  They are all such a blessing to our church and community.  I wish everyone who gave could have experienced what God allowed me to experience on this Monday before Christmas.


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