Monday, December 20, 2010

A Special Surprise

Tonight when I arrived home, Laura had all of the beautiful Christmas cards that we received today on the kitchen counter for me to view and read.  As I picked the pile of cards up with anticipation, she commented that one of the cards had a special surprise that would probably make me cry.  I could not imagine what that surprise could possibly be, but my mind began to prepare.  I sat down and began reading the cards, looking at the pictures of children from so many of our friends, and reading the sweet notes within.  Then I came to the special surprise.

As I opened a particular card, a picture of my amazing grandmother fell out.  It was a picture of her in her living room in 1991.  As I held it up, I could feel the tears filling my eyes and it was not long before I just began sobbing. ( A rare occassion for me.)  Then I read the note in the card that said, "Patrick, I found this in some of my things from a very special occasion back in 1991.  As I came across it, the Lord told me to send it to you when I did my Christmas cards.  I hope you will enjoy this picture of your grandmother for years to come."

WOW, I was speechless.  Later tonight, after putting the children to bed and making a quick run to Wal-Mart to get Laura some more tissue paper for all the teacher gifts that will be delivered tomorrow, I sat back down and just looked and looked at that picture.  I wish with all my heart that my grandmother could see my 4 children.  I wish they could know her for her faith and dedication to the Lord.

I will never forget that day in 1998 when she was dying.  She kept asking my dad when I would be home from college for the summer.  He told her that I would arrive the next day.  After finishing exams, I drove 12 hours home and went straight to see her and it was just 7 hours later that she died.  I will never forget the smile on her face as I embraced her that last time and and the kiss she gave me on my cheek.

As I celebrate Christmas this year, that sweet little picture that I recieved tonight in a Christmas card was a gift that is priceless to my soul.


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