Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Southside Baptist Church - A Beautiful View

We were planning to leave from church on Sunday, December 26 to go to Florida to have Christmas with Grandaddy and Granny.  However, since we had so much snow, we could not have church because the service road that connects our church to the highway was completely iced over.  We finally got out of our neighborhood around 3 o'clock and began our journey to Florida.  As we passed the church, Laura took these pictures from her window. 

Southside Baptist Church is so special to our family and we are grateful to God for the opportunity to serve the Lord with such a beautiful congregation of believers.  This picture shows the beauty of God's church in the snow and it reminds us of just how precious this church is to our Lord.

Southside Baptist Church has stood as a beacon of light that has shared the love of Jesus with countless hundreds of people since its beginning in 1947.  This picture reminds me of God's promise that God will make us "to be as white as snow" when we die in the flesh and enter into Heaven.  This mighty church has been an instument that God has used so that many people could be transformed so they can one day be "as white as snow."

Southside Baptist Church
December 26, 2010

A White Christmas At Fullertown

On Christmas morning after we rose to see what Santa brought, after we ate a wonderful breakfast,and after we opened presents from one another, we were preparing to pack up and travel 2 hours away to Papa and Nana's to have Christmas with them on Christmas evening.  As we were preparing to leave, it started snowing and the little Fuller's went wild.  We left around lunch and returned home that evening and this is what we found.  We found about 6 inches of snow on the ground on Christmas evening.  What an amazing and magical Christmas to have a white Christmas at Fullertown.

When we woke up on Sunday, December 26, 2010, this is what Fullertown looked like.  We had 9 inches of snow and everything was white and the trees were filled with ice. What a  beautiful view.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Happy Birthday JESUS - A favorite Christmas Morning Tradition

Paula and Luke are singing Happy Birthday to JESUS.

Mommy is singing too.

Anna Brooke and Sarah Belle are singing their blessing also.

Paul is making sure our breakfast is extra blessed with his heart felt singing.

Sarah Belle is opening her heart to JESUS as she sings to Him.

On Christmas morning, one of our favorite traditions is to sing to JESUS as our blessing for Christmas breakfast.  We enjoy singing "Happy Birthday" as we prepare to give thanks because we are very thankful for his birthday.  we realize that without the birth of Jesus, we would not have freedom and victory over our sin. 

The Famous Fullertown Christmas Breakfast

Paul and Luke are ready for their Christmas breakfast.  Paul is pouring the homemade orange juice that mommy always makes while waiting for the little Fuller's to rise on Christmas morning.

Sarah Belle and Anna Brooke are still smiling from all that Sant brought.  Now, they are ready to eat so they can open presents from Mom and Dad.

Mommy is serving us her famous recipe for Christmas morning.  It is delicious and we love it at Fullertown.

Random Discovery Photo's of Santa's Gifts

Paul is learning all about his train.

Paul loves his ride-on.

Luke is so excited about his M and M pencils.

Luke is opening his stocking

Sarah Belle loves her Hello Kitty Alarm Clock.

Sarah Belle loves her baby doll named "Chloe."

Anna Brooke is about to see what is in her stocking.

Anna Brooke is looking at all the outfits that Santa brought her baby doll.

Santa Claus was good to Fullertown this year!

Anna Brooke was so excited to receive her "ANNA" doll that she has wanted for months along with so much more.

Paul was thrilled to have a train and a Thomas 3 wheeler along with alot of other stuff.

Luke was excited to get his Duke blue IPOD (you can barely see it) and an air hockey table along with alot of other cool stuff.
Sarah Belle was excited to get her Barbie scooter and was ready to ride.  Behind her is all kinds of goodies that Santa left for her.

Running with Anticipation on Christmas Morning.

Luke runs down the stairs to see what Santa brought.

Anna Brooke is anticiapting what she will receive from Santa.

Sarah Belle can hardly wait to see what Santa has left for her.

Paul is hoping that Santa really did leave him a train.

Here are the little Fuller's as they come into the family room to see what they have been given for Christmas.

Christmas Morning 2010

The little Fuller's all woke up early on Christmas morning.  Luke and Anna Brooke woke up at the same time and ran into Sarah Belle and Paul's rooms and work them up.  Here they are at the landing waiting with anticipation to come down to see what Santa brought to Fullertown.  What a fun morning it was.

Reading the Christmas Story

Every year before going to bed on Christmas eve, we read the Christmas story.  Here is a snapshot that mommy took while we were reading about the birth of JESUS.  This time for us is always very special. 

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Twas The Night Before Christmas

Every year on Christmas eve, our family reads the famous story, "Twas The Night Before Christmas."  This year, our granny sent a copy of this book with her voice reading this story.  So, here are the little Fuller's as they listen to their granny who lives in Florida read this special story to them.  This is priceless to us!

Fullertown 2010

 Laura's living room tree features her collection of White House ornaments that she has collected for many years.  This tree is very special as it tells the story of our nation's history.
The dining room tree represents our faith in Jesus Christ.  Every ornament on this tree is a symbol of our Lord Jesus and all that represents his birth, life, crucifixion, death, and resurrection. 

The breakfast room tree represents Laur'a collection of snow men.  This tree is fun for our family and guests.

The family room tree is a live tree that we get every year.  It represents our family story.  On this tree is an ornament from every place that we have traveled since we were married.  It also houses every ornament that our kids have made at preschool, sunday school, and elemtentary school.  This tree is very special to all of us at Fullertown.

The garland in the foyer represents the life that Jesus offers to us all year long.

 Our dining room is ready for Christmas breakfast.
 Our foyer
 On top of our piano in the sunroom are part of Laura's collection of villages. 
 This wreath was a Christmas gift from a dear friend.
Fullertown on Christmas eve 2010.

A fullertown Christmas Eve

Every year after our candle light worship service on Christmas Eve, we invite anyone in our church that does not have family plans to come to our home to join us for a celebration of Christmas.  Here is a picture of some of the kids as they were dancing and singing "Jingle Bells" in our family room.  It was so much fun and everyone had a blast.

Christmas Eve Carols By Candlelight Service at Southside

Anna Brooke is holding her candle to represent that she desires to live her life for Christ.
Luke and Paul are holding their candle as our congregation was singing "Silent Night."

Sarah Belle and one of her friends, Natania were holding their candles to represent the light that JESUS provides to the world.

Our Christmas Eve "Carols By Candlelight" service is one of our favorite family traditions.  Our church family gathers together for about 30 minutes every Christmas Eve at 5:00 pm to sing our favorite Christmas songs, read the Christmas story, and light our candles to represent the light that JESUS brought to the world.  We are thankful for this wonderful tradition.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Special Surprise

Tonight when I arrived home, Laura had all of the beautiful Christmas cards that we received today on the kitchen counter for me to view and read.  As I picked the pile of cards up with anticipation, she commented that one of the cards had a special surprise that would probably make me cry.  I could not imagine what that surprise could possibly be, but my mind began to prepare.  I sat down and began reading the cards, looking at the pictures of children from so many of our friends, and reading the sweet notes within.  Then I came to the special surprise.

As I opened a particular card, a picture of my amazing grandmother fell out.  It was a picture of her in her living room in 1991.  As I held it up, I could feel the tears filling my eyes and it was not long before I just began sobbing. ( A rare occassion for me.)  Then I read the note in the card that said, "Patrick, I found this in some of my things from a very special occasion back in 1991.  As I came across it, the Lord told me to send it to you when I did my Christmas cards.  I hope you will enjoy this picture of your grandmother for years to come."

WOW, I was speechless.  Later tonight, after putting the children to bed and making a quick run to Wal-Mart to get Laura some more tissue paper for all the teacher gifts that will be delivered tomorrow, I sat back down and just looked and looked at that picture.  I wish with all my heart that my grandmother could see my 4 children.  I wish they could know her for her faith and dedication to the Lord.

I will never forget that day in 1998 when she was dying.  She kept asking my dad when I would be home from college for the summer.  He told her that I would arrive the next day.  After finishing exams, I drove 12 hours home and went straight to see her and it was just 7 hours later that she died.  I will never forget the smile on her face as I embraced her that last time and and the kiss she gave me on my cheek.

As I celebrate Christmas this year, that sweet little picture that I recieved tonight in a Christmas card was a gift that is priceless to my soul.



I was so proud and blessed today as I recieved word that our church not only met but exceeded our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goal this year.  We are well above our goal as of yesterday and we still have another Sunday to go to give to the most important offering of the year, our interneational missions offering that supports and leads the way for our missionaries to tell the world about our JESUS!  Church family, I am so proud of you for your faithfulness and dedication to reach out to bring salvation to the world. Let's praise God for all that He has done.

What A Mighty Day

Our wonderful church has a heart for those who are having a difficult time or who may be without because of their life circumstances.  For the past 3 weeks, we have been collecting money to provide Christmas to families and children in our church family and community who otherwise would go without this Christmas.  Well, that collection ended yesterday and today was the day that was set aside to bless the precious families.

We had appointments all afternoon every 30 minutes for each family to come to the church office and sit down with me personally along with a few others to discuss their situation and to have prayer.  Afterwards, they were presented their gifts and blessings from individuals, many of whom were their close friends who graciously gave to support this important ministry. 

As a pastor, my heart was filled with deep and great amounts of emotion today.  As each family came and shared, my office was filled with many tears and great amounts of personal testimony.  It was so wonderful to be a small part of this effort as we had prayer and were able to represent our amazing church who desires to bless those who have physical and spiritual needs.

As I drove home tonight, I continued to pray and thank God for each family and child.  They are all such a blessing to our church and community.  I wish everyone who gave could have experienced what God allowed me to experience on this Monday before Christmas.


The Fuller's Christmas Carriage Ride

We had a blast at the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte as we rode the carriage around the area with sparkling lights everywhere.  The little Fuller's has a great time.