Monday, April 11, 2011

Jury Selection

Today, I had the opportunity to do something that I have never done before.  I went for Jury selection at the court house. 

I dropped Luke and Anna Brooke off at school and then went by the office to get some sermon prep stuff I have been working on for the summer and fall.  Then I made my way into downtown and finally found a parking place on the 6th floor of a parking garage.  I walked several blocks and finally made my way into the jury selection room around 8 am. 

After checking in, I sat... and sat.... and sat.  I read.... and read.... and read.  I wrote... and wrote... and wrote... 

After 7 hours, I was released to go and then I made my way to the office to prepare for a meeting that I had. 

However, my brain was fried from the heat in the room, close proximity of people, and all the talking that was going on around me.

One thing I learned was that people are important to God, no matter how different they may be.  As I watched and listened to the people sitting around me, I was amazed by the different backgrounds, careers, and issues that each one had.

I am a better man for this experience and I am thankful for the opportunity that I was given.

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