Thursday, September 23, 2010

God's Hero's

There are true hero's in every community.  They are the people that make communities great and blessed.  I received a call earlier this week from a man who is running for office in our state government requesting to meet with me.  I agreed for him to come by and he did so this morning.  As he began sharing his story, I sat in my office in complete awe of how our awesome God works.

He told me about a dear man in our church who pushed him and challenged him several years ago to do something great with his life.  This man really stepped out to lead this individual to go down the right path "God's Path."

Today, as the politician sat in my office, he told me that he would have never made it to college or to follow the call into politics without the man at Southside that invested in him.

This testimony reminded me that we have HERO'S in our community that have given their lives to make a difference for our Lord.  Let's all think about the hero's in our lives and how God used them to touch us in mighty ways.

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