Monday, March 19, 2012

The Girls Competition at Myrtle Beach, SC

Sarah Belle performing with the Starlites

Anna Brooke with her team, Double Bubble

Belle Belle on the beach

Brookie on the beach

My girls - best friends for life.

Sarah Belle with her team trophy

My 3 beautiful girls.  I am so proud of them.  Thanks to our Fullertown mommy for
making all of this happen. 

NCAA Duke Practice

Last Thursday evening, we had a blast at the Greensboro Coliseum watching our favorite team, DUKE practice.  Since the Coliseum opened the doors for the locals to come, we took them up on it and had a blast.

The boys are in full focus of what is going on. 

The girls thought it was fun too.

Our favorite team, Duke.  Although they lost this past weekend, we still love them and will always be die hard Duke fans.

What a fun evening it was!

North American Missions

We are blessed as a church to have a heart for North American Missions. Last year we began a partnership with New York as our focus of North America.  Some of you were able to go on a mission trip to New York and you saw first hand how God is at work in North America. 

During the next few weeks, we will collect our annual offering for North American missions.  As we collect The Annie Armstrong North American Missions Offering, our churchwide goal will be $5000.00.  Please pray about how God desires to use you, your family and your sacrificial gift to touch the world that God has brought to us in North America.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Totally Challenged!

I have always been an advocate and supporter of The Baptist Children's Homes of NC but I had no idea how much of a ministry this has been and continues to be across our state.  As 70 children and teenagers who are residents of the BCHNC walked into our church this past Sunday, my heart began to sink.  Then when they stood across the stage and sang, "How Great Is Our God," I totally lost it. When Roberta gave her testimony of 52 counts of abuse, parents who did not want her and her siblings, and how she finally reached a point of forgiveness, I was amazed. What a day, what a service, and what a ministry BCHNC is. Thank you Southside for giving nearly 4000.00 last Sunday for this vital ministry.  Let's continue to seek ways that all of our Bible Study Groups, Sunday school classes and individual familes can be involved to make a difference for the children that reside at the BCHNC. To God Be The Glory. Thank you Jesus for opening our eyes and challenging our lives on Sunday.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


WOW, WOW, WOW! Today I have been at the Executive Committee Retreat for our State Convention.  One of the things that our leaders had each member do was to share our personal testimony.  This took several hours but it was so powerful and moving.  I have worked with several of these amazing people on different committees and in difference roles over the years, but have never heard some of their stories. Today, my heart wept as I listened to several individuals share about their personal journey.

God taught me that there is POWER in a testimony and that we need to take more time as Christians to listen to the stories of others.  I am guilty of being so busy and running wide open all day, that sometimes I do not take time to slow down and "listen to life!"  I am a new man that heard things today that have challenged me in a special way.

Thank you Lord for the POWER of EVERY testimony. Let's all be intentional to share our personal story so that we can be a blessing to those who need to hear it.  You might be the link that someone needs to come to faith in Jesus.