Sunday, December 11, 2011

Southside Baptist Church Christmas Musical December 11, 2011

Here is a picture of our adult celebration choir as they presented their musical this morning, "Christmas Is JESUS."  I am so proud of them (all of you who are included in this picture) as they have worked so hard as they do each year to present to us the message of Jesus.

Here is Pastor Brian as he directs the choir.  He says that he keeps our Fullertown mommy front and center so that he can keep an eye on the Southside first lady.  Here she is singing with the choir during her solo.

Here is our childrens choir.  They particpated in one song of the musical.  Great job kids.  Your pastor is so proud of you.  I love you.

Here is our family after worship this morning.  We were blessed to have Granny and Granddaddy with us from Florida this weekend.

Here is mommy doing her solo.  We are so proud of her. 

What a great day.  Thank you JESUS.
Today was an amazing day at Southside.  This morning, we had our Christmas musical.  It was such a heart inspiring time of worship. WOW - GO GOD.

Christmas 2011 at Fullertown

All of you know that our favorite time of year here at Fullertown is Christmas.  WE LOVE IT! Here are a few photo's of our family that were taken this morning before heading to church.

Here are the little Fuller's in birth order on the front steps in the foyer of Fullertown.  They are excited to be wearing the dresses and vests that there Granny in Florida made for them.  She always makes them a Christmas surprise each year.  This is it and they LOVE it. 

Here is the crew in the family room.

Here they are by the front door before we head out the door.

We are so blessed.  Thank you JESUS for our family.