Monday, June 20, 2011

Prep for VBS 2011! Anticipating a blessing.

After arriving home from the convention, Laura and I had so much to do to prepare for VBS.  We were blessed and humbled by all who worked so hard while we were away to start the process of preparation.  Here are a few pictures of the preparation process.  Our folks at Southside worked around the clock until about an hour before VBS started on Sunday night.  We are thankful for such a hard working church family who works to make sure everything is done 100%.

Debie is painting the Statue of Liberty on the worship rally mural.  She is so talented and amazing.  Every year for the past 3 years since God brought her to our church, she has blown us all out of the water with her talent for painting.  Thank you Debie! You are a true gift to all of us.

Laura and Sarah Belle are working on a cab car.  They worked for hours this weekend to get everything just right.  I am blessed to have such a creative and talented wife.  I love you Laura! Great work.

Ryan and I are putting up a mural.  Ryan has worked so hard to hang the ceiling themes around the halls and in the rooms.  He also helped with posters.  Good job Ryan.  You are a blessing to us all.  We are so proud of you.

I am Debie's personal assistant.  This picture was taken VERY late on Saturday night after many long hours of work.  I am trying to help Debie get done so I am listening carefully to her instructions.  By the way, at the end of a long day on VBS eve, Debie announced to me her idea for next years mural since the theme is aviation.  I can't wait.

Here is our youth praise band.  They gave up there whole Saturday to practice and rehearse for the High School VBS.  I am so proud of these young people.  They are all like my own.  Tonight it was worth their hard work when 3 received Jesus as a response to this teams work for our Lord.  Thank you guys for a job well done.  You always make your pastor so proud.  I love you.

At 5:05 Sunday evening, we were finally ready for VBS to begin.  God promises to honor pure and honest labor and I trust He is being glorified by the pure and honest labor of so many who have given of their time, resources, and labor to prepare for this life changing week.

Fullertown visits with Papa Don and Nana Ann

Last week, Granny Paige went home to be with the Lord.  She was very special to our family.  We were at the Southern Baptist Convention and could not participate or be with her family for her funeral so we were invited to come for a lunch this past weekend.  Here is Laura and the kids with Granny Paige's daughter who our kids call Nana Ann.  Her husband, Papa Don was one of my deacons at Brush Creek.  Papa Don and Nana Ann told Laura that they needed a visit with us so we planned it and had a blast as we shared a few hours together.  There grandchildren, Kaitlyn and Abby are also in the picture and have been friends with our kids for years.

Anna Brooke and Abby were born the same week and they are friends for life.  Here they are.  They had a blast catching up and playing together.

The last time we talked to Granny Paige was Christmas morning.  She called to see what Santa brought to the little Fullers.  She was such an anchor and blessing in the Brush Creek community.  She made the best dumplins anyone could ever eat.  Her daughter Ann was one of Laura's best friends during our days at Brush Creek.  Don is a wonderful deacon and leader in his community and I am grateful for him. 

We love you Papa Don and Nana Ann.  Our prayers are with you during this time of loss.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Southern Baptist Convention 2011 - Phoenix, Arizona

Laura and I were greeted by this very tall dude as we walked into the Convention Center in Phoenix for the start of the SBC.  This is one of our favorite events of the year.  We have been praying for weeks that God would use this time to give us a word from Him.  As He always does, He feeds our souls so much during this spiritual fest of joy.

We were excited to meet up with some of our friends from our college days, MANY MANY years ago. 

We also ran into our good friends, Scott and Elizabeth. 

This is my best friend from seminary, Ben Brammer.  He serves as pastor of Northwest Baptist Church in Oklahoma City.  I was so exctied to find out he was there.  We were able to have lunch and catch up since it has been a whole year since we have seen each other.

Every year, several of our college friends gather together for dinner one night during the convention.  Here is Micah, one of my best friends from college.  He was in our wedding and I was in his.  We have remained very close for many years although he serves the Lord in a suburb of Kansas City.  Across from him is his wife Tracy and beside her is Sarah.  They were both close friends of Laura's in college.  It was great to spend an hour catching up with them.

This is Scott and Rochelle. Scott was my college roommate.  He serves as as pastor in Alabama.

We had a great time at the convention.  The reports, messages and music were tremendous.  God really spoke to us and we are excited to bring home all that we learned this year.  It was so encouraging to see and hear all the great things that God is doing around the world  with our friends who are serving the Lord.

The Holden / Pate Wedding

Last Friday evening, I had the pleasure of conducting the wedding celebration of a very special couple in our church at Grandover Resort.  As we were walking in, someone captured this shot of us in the parking lot.  It is always great to take a picture with my bride.

As we entered the foyer of the resort, we saw the mother of the groom.  She is also our Minister of Music's wife, Janie.  She also happens to be one of Laura's best friends.  Mrs. Janie, you deserve to be so proud of your son and his new bride.  What a great mother you are.

Here is Pastor Chip and Mrs. Janie at the 5 course dinner reception.  What a great looking couple and such amazing parents.

At our table, we were blessed to sit with some of our wonderful friends and church leaders.  Here is George and Pat.  They are the spiritual parents for all of our young couples at Southside.  They serve as mentors and true examples of servant leaders.  This couple holds a special place in our hearts.  Laura and I look at them and their legacy and we hope that we can love Jesus and serve Him like they do when we are their age.

On the other side of us were Charles and Jean.  They are such amazing people.  Charles is probably the wisest business man I know.  If you ever need advice, he is the man to go see. Jean is our text messaging encourager.  Everyday, she sends Laura and I text messages.  We love this family and were so excited we were assigned to the same table during the dinner.  Jean kept us all laughing as she always does.

Here is Seth and Lauren.  What a beautiful and special young couple.  I am so proud of them and all that God is doing in their lives.  They are both such a blessing to our church.

Here they are.  They were so innocent and pure as they shared their vows with one another.  It blesses me to see young couples that do things right.  I am so proud of you, Seth and Lauren.

It was a great and beautiful wedding.  It reminded me of all that Christ has done for us.  Thanks to so many in our church family that came to show your love and support for this family.  It was a great day.

Luke and Anna Brooke come to visit Daddy's office after awards!

Anna Brooke loves Mrs. Donna, who is the BEST assistant that any pastor could have.  She loves our family and works diligently to help me in so many ways.  Here is Anna Brooke celebrating her accomplishments with Mrs. Donna.

Mrs. Donna just taught Anna Brooke how to use the copier.  So exciting for them both.

Anna Brooke is helping Mrs. Donna and Mrs. Denise get it just right.  That's our Anna Brooke.

While Anna Brooke went to visit Mrs. Donna, Luke went to see his favorite person in the world, our student pastor, Pastor Chance.  Here he is inviting Pastor Chance to go have lunch with him.  He loves Pastor Chance and we are so thankful for the love and investment that he has made on Luke's life.

Luke's End of Year Awards for 2nd Grade.

Luke received an award for best effort.

Luke received an award for perfect attendance.

Luke received recognition for perfect attendance all year and for 3 years of perfect attendance.

I am so proud of my son for his hard work.  He has worked tirelessly this year to become a great student.  I am also proud of his consistency and discipline to have a desire for perfect attendance.  He is one of two individuals at his school that have perfect attendance from Kindergarten.  This has been his goal and his choice to continue. I am proud of his accomplishment.

Luke with Mrs. T.  He loves her and she has done a great job teaching Luke to love to learn this year.  We are so thankful for her.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Anna Brooke's End of Year Award Ceremony

Anna Brooke received an award for being a top learner this year.

Anna Brooke received an award for being a star reader this year.

Anna Brooke is celebrating with her teachers on Awards day.

Anna Brooke received recognition for perfect attendance all year.  Mommy and Daddy are so proud.

Daddy and his princess. I am so honored to have such a diligent student as a daughter.  Anna Brooke loves to learn and read.

Anna Brooke loves her principal.  Here she is celebrating with her wonderful principal.

Congratulations Anna Brooke on such a great first year of school.

Anna Brooke's Kindergarten Class End of Year Celebration

Anna Brooke and her class sang all of us a beautiful song.  Laura and I both cried.  It was very special.

Here is Anna Brooke with one of her best friends, McKenzie.

Anna Brooke is receiving her gift from her teacher.

Mommy is receiving her gift for being the room mother and class tutor.  I must say that she did an awesome job.

Here is a picture of our class honoring Mrs. Henry with her gift.  She is a fabulous teacher.  This was her 34th year of teaching and we are so blessed that Luke and Anna Brooke both had her for Kindergarten.  She is an amazing Christian and always sought to put Christ first in her class. She deserves God's richest blessings.

Memorial Day Cookout at Fullertown

Every year, we host a Memorial Day cookout at Fullertown.  We normally invite a different sunday school class each year.  This year, we were blessed to enjoy our time with one of our ladies classes and their families.
Here is a picture of our amazing Mr. Ken, who is one of the most humble deacons and servants anyone will ever meet.  He and Laura are waiting for some Salmon off the grill.

Here is a picture of Kourtney, Sarah Belle, Paul Kasie, and Ethan.  They are having a blast.

Here is Mitzi, Denise, Jamie, Lee and Carson.

Karley, Carson and Sarah Belle are about to enjoy a swim after the cookout.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

An answer to a very good question!

A few days ago, I went outside after our Wednesday evening service to find an abundance of kids on the playground.  At the same time, the music began to play from our new steeple.  One of the kids looked up at me and said, "Pastor Fuller, can I ask you a question?"  Then she went forward with her question and said, "What does that new steeple we put on the roof a couple of years ago stand for?"  I gave her the meaning and she was very satisfied.  However, after I thought about it, I realized that so many people really don't know what the steeple really stands for.

The origin of the steeple came from the idea of military watchtowers.  In AD 600, Christian churches began to adopt the military watchtower theme on their buildings to symbolize and set apart their meeting houses for worship and prayer.  The idea of the steeple had a three fold purpose: First, the steeple (with a cross at the tip of the spire) symbolizes that the church recognizes the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and that He is to be lifted up above everyone and everything else.  This is the reason that the steeple is higher that typical buildings in a community.  Second, the steeple symbolizes that the church is a lighthouse for everyone to find hope and help in the midst of trials, difficulty and hardship.  This is why many steeples, including ours at Southside, have a light that shines at night to show the community that there is light in the midst of darkness.  Finally, the steeple points toward Heaven to show that the goal of the church is for everyone in their community to come to faith in Christ and go upward to Heaven when they die.

As we think about the history of the steeple, lets recall that fun little saying that we learned years ago as children.  "Here is the church, here is the steeple, open the door, and there are all the people."  This is a saying that my son Paul loves to say several times every day. 

At Southside, we are blessed to finally have a steeple after so many years.  I will never forget that beautiful day that it was erected.  As it was put in place by the crane, you could see the tears begin to flow as many in our church watched this event.  Although a steeple is simply a symbol, I think it is a good symbol to have.