After arriving home from the convention, Laura and I had so much to do to prepare for VBS. We were blessed and humbled by all who worked so hard while we were away to start the process of preparation. Here are a few pictures of the preparation process. Our folks at Southside worked around the clock until about an hour before VBS started on Sunday night. We are thankful for such a hard working church family who works to make sure everything is done 100%.
Debie is painting the Statue of Liberty on the worship rally mural. She is so talented and amazing. Every year for the past 3 years since God brought her to our church, she has blown us all out of the water with her talent for painting. Thank you Debie! You are a true gift to all of us.
Laura and Sarah Belle are working on a cab car. They worked for hours this weekend to get everything just right. I am blessed to have such a creative and talented wife. I love you Laura! Great work.
Ryan and I are putting up a mural. Ryan has worked so hard to hang the ceiling themes around the halls and in the rooms. He also helped with posters. Good job Ryan. You are a blessing to us all. We are so proud of you.
I am Debie's personal assistant. This picture was taken VERY late on Saturday night after many long hours of work. I am trying to help Debie get done so I am listening carefully to her instructions. By the way, at the end of a long day on VBS eve, Debie announced to me her idea for next years mural since the theme is aviation. I can't wait.
Here is our youth praise band. They gave up there whole Saturday to practice and rehearse for the High School VBS. I am so proud of these young people. They are all like my own. Tonight it was worth their hard work when 3 received Jesus as a response to this teams work for our Lord. Thank you guys for a job well done. You always make your pastor so proud. I love you.
At 5:05 Sunday evening, we were finally ready for VBS to begin. God promises to honor pure and honest labor and I trust He is being glorified by the pure and honest labor of so many who have given of their time, resources, and labor to prepare for this life changing week.