Saturday, April 24, 2010

Anyone that knows anything about the Fuller's knows that our favorite week of the year is the week of Vacation Bible School.  We are very excited about VBS this year at Southside.  We are praying for 700 kids this year to come and experience Saddle Ridge Ranch at Southside.  This week, I have been working non stop, along with many others in our church family to prepare for our most important outreach of the year.

We will have Vacation Bible School this year from June 21-25 from 6:00 -8:50 PM.  We are trusting God for a week that is filled with the glory of God as we pour our lives into the kids who live in Greensboro.  Please join us as we pray for God to do a mighty work in the lives of these kids and their families.

Also, pray for our mission team of 15 who will be going to Canada again this year to host Vacation Bible School.  Laura, Anna Brooke and Sarah Belle will be going on this trip to tell the children in Harrietsfield, Nova Scotia about Jesus.  We are trusting that God will use this effort to change lives through our partnership with Gospel Light Baptist Church there in Canada.

VBS is right around the corner so lets all SADDLE UP.

Paul Is Chillin' as usual

Paul loves to chill.  This is a picture of him in the back yard as he just lays around while the others play.  He has never been in a hurry for anything and just enjoys laying around while the rest of us run our daily rat race.  We could learn alot from Paul's desire to just chill out as he is doing in this picture.

Look at that face! it's hard to believe that our baby boy is 2 1/2 now.

Her Brother's #1 Fan - Anna Brooke

Anna Brooke is such a great cheerleader.  However, in the spring since there is no UPWARD cheerleading, she just stands by the fence at Luke's games and cheers for her big brother.  She is such a good sport and always brings encouragement to the team.

Sarah Belle is heading down the hill

As the wildest of our 4 kids, Sarah Belle decided to put her scooter under her body and ride it down the hill in the back yard.  If you have been to Fullertown, you know that the hill in our back yard is very steep.  It did not even phase her as she enjoyed every second of the ride.

Look at that face.  Sarah Belle always displays such joy with her beautiful smile.  She savors every moment and enjoys life to the fullest.

Luke Fuller On First Base

One of our favorite spring time events at Fullertown is baseball.  Luke is in his third year of playing and he loves it.  This is a picture of Luke this past Tuesday night on first base.  We are so proud of him for his effort as he plays this sport.

As everyone knows, he is one active little man.  Between UPWARD football, UPWARD basketball, and baseball Luke stays very busy with sports.

We are looking forward to a great season of baseball with Luke.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Using our Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual gifts are Biblcial and very important to the kingdom of God.  The Bible teaches that Christians should live and serve based on our spiritual gifts.  Today, I was blessed by one of our church members who came and shared a vision of how God is working in their life.  They told me about how they feel God is calling them to start a new minsitry in our church that would enable them to use their spiritual gifts for God's glory.  WOW. 

It is wonderful to witness God's way of power as it comes upon the people you love and serve.  I am so thankful for the way God is calling our people to serve Him as they seek to fulfill His will in their lives.  It humbles me as I serve such a wonderful group of people as pastor.

The Opportunity of Outreach

Every Monday night, our church sets aside time to reach out to those who visit our church.  Tonight was a very special time of outreach as we were able to go into the homes of such sweet and amazing families.  As I listened to them, prayed with them, and shared fellowship with them along with some of our amazing men, I was reminded of the blessing God's church is.

Southside is so blessed. Recently, we have had so many new folks visiting our church.  Tonight was no exception and it was so great to be a part of building the kingdom as we seek to reach these precious people for Jesus.  God is so good and our lives are blessed by people that God brings our way.  My prayer is that we can bless them as we serve and share the love of Jesus.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Power of Prayer

Over the past several months, God has revealed to me that there is great power in genuine and pure prayer.  I have continuously seen the hand of God answering prayer in my life and the lives of people all around me recently.  I am amazed at the healing, deliverance and blessing that God continues to bring to people as God's people pray.

This week, several God fearing men and I had the opportunity to pray around the alter at our church.  As I sat there in that prayer meeting, I could not help but to praise God for allowing me to serve in such a place that He would provide prayer warriors that love to pray continuously for the power of God to fall upon us and the lost people around us.

I have learned recently that I want to be so close to Jesus that I see his power fall down because of the prayers we pray.  I am praying that this desire would be the desire of my children's hearts as they grow in their spiritual walk with God.

"Lord, thank you for using people in our church to show me the power of prayer."

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Little Fuller's on Easter Morning

Here is a picture that we took on Easter morning as we left home for church.  The kids were so excited about Easter.  Laura's mom, who lives outside of Jacksonville, Florida made the girls dresses.  They were so proud.  The boys were also proud to match because they like to match everyday.  As I look at this picture, I am reminded of just how blessed we are to have four amazing kids who fill our lives with joy everyday.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Our Little Swimmer

Anna Brooke is our little swimmer at Fullertown.  We are so excited about how she is developing her strokes.  She is really doing well as she loves to spend quality time in the pool.  This is a picture of her a few weeks ago as she came above the water for some quick air.  We look forward to her future in swimming.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Preparing for Easter.

At Fullertown, we are BIG on family traditions and holidays.  My beloved wife works so hard to lead us in this area of excitement.  So today has been filled with alot of preparation for Easter.  We have the clothes ironed, the baskets ready, the food prepared, and most of all, we hopefully have the real meaning of Easter as our focus.

Now, as we close this day with a time of rest before rising early in the morning, we are excited about what tomorrow brings.

Happy Easter.

The Joy of Jesus

After cooking out and spending wonderful fellowship with dear friends tonight, our family watched the Duke/West Virginia Basketball game.  It was a wonderful time as we cheered for our beloved Duke team.  The game built a sense of joy here at Fullertown.  However, after the kids went to bed and the game was over, I opened my Bible to the gospel of Luke and began reading the account of how the news spread that Jesus had risen from the dead.  As I read, my heart began to fill up with an incredible amount of joy that has really ingulfed my soul the past few minutes.  I quickly realized that as excited as I was about that ballgame, I am totally captivated with anticipation over the resurrection of my Lord.  Jesus is working around the world and I am just humbled that God has chosen our family to be a small part of His work.  We are seeing miracles take place in the lives of people we love who have been seeking victory in many areas of their lives for a long time.  As I read tonight, I noticed that Jesus rose to provide each of us victory and hope beyond our own strength. 

That fact alone should make us bow down and cry, "HE HAS RISEN"

Thank you JESUS.